
Posts Tagged ‘connectivity’

‘Network’ Analysis of the Brain May Explain Features of Autism: http://www.yaiautismcommunity.org/blog/?p=2088&noloop=1

Explains a lot for me… Why some things I can process in ways, measured and assessed by a number of experts, as extraordinary and beyond typical human potential–also called “islands of genius” – yet, I have other things that seem so easy and basic for others and they don’t even have to think about it, it’s intuitive, but will drive me into overload and meltdown, shutdown, or completely exhaust me, or takes forever –or never, for me to process. And I may not even ever notice the lack of connection of things that other people’s brains do intuitively.

Testing that was done by a pediatric neurologist when I was 11 showed that I had multiple mixed crossovers in my connectivity and dominance from head to toe functionally with no rhyme or reason or pattern to explain the mixed and non-aligned dominance features side to side. It made for a chaotic presentation they could not explain nor predict. They acknowledged they knew about the severe head trauma when I was five and the details about that, but still couldn’t explain the test results based on that alone. Of course they didn’t know that the more interesting stuff developed before I was born, of necessity and consequence, that set the stage, combined with what came after, that both saved my life when I did my humpty dumpty thingl, preventing devastating seizures, but later, became interfering gradually over time, now expanded and underlies loss of sensory function and tolerance. It’s like having this little bodyguard that’s overdoing his job, Like an adaptation that’s almost like an autoimmune disease because it’s attacking normal functions because conductivity is in small redundant connections rather than efficient ones.

Well, at least I’ve had a very interesting life, any way you shuffle that deck.. I have lived in interesting times. So who am I to complain? I was supposed to have died long before I could speak. Without that little alteration, Brenda would’ve been the first girl live birth! Lately, have had too many of the not so good days to keep a sense of humor about the downsides and the upsides and the ups and downs, But then one can’t always remembered to laugh about how ridiculously interesting one’s life is when sometimes it has crossed that tipping point of unbearable. Fortunately I do find my way back to it again and again kind of like a dolphin coming up to breathe, and find ways to enjoy the interestingness of it all for a while. Just have to remember that during the storms if I can, easy to forget it goes round– Nothing stays the same it always changes. Pray to wake up to a new day that’s easier gives a bit of respite and stay open to new things.

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This is what I’ve been talking about for ages, and this blogger puts it so well that I want to reblog. Lots of great info on C-PTSD here (part of my “menu” of dx)

PTSD - A Way Out.com

Neuroplasticity occurs inside us everyday as we encounter new experiences. On the right you’ll see several photographs of neural circuity in the brain. From the left the pictures show us the neural circuity of a newborn, then a 3 month old, 15 month old, and 2 year old. As the child ages, their brain’s wiring becomes increasingly more complex and interconnected. Neuroplasticity is what allows us to take our experiences, then learn from them and form new memories. Huge changes are occurring in the brain during these early stages of cognitive development, but the truth is that our neural networks continue to build on each other until the day we die.

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